Workshop: Light Effects in Watercolour

Our next workshop will be on Monday 30th April 2018 at Llanelltyd Village Hall, starting at 10:30am, and finishing at about 4pm. The cost for members will be £10 and £12 for non-members. The tutor will be Ken Bridges.

The aim of the workshop will be to explore methods of creating light effects in a simple watercolour landscape. If time allows we will produce the same painting 3 times attempting to portray different times of day. Ken will produce a simple sketch for attendees to copy.

Those attending should bring along watercolour equipment including:

  • Brushes small, medium and large,
  • Watercolour papers of around 18” x 12” at least 3 sheets preferably heavy 180 lb or above.
  • A good variety of watercolours,   yellows, reds, blues, plus earth colours .
  • Accessories including tissues, small sponge, pencils & rubber.

Because of time pressure and limited space ii is probably best to restrict the numbers attending to a maximum of 15.  Tea and coffee will be provided but please bring your own packed lunch.

Use the contact form for more information or to book your place.